Be fearless in pursuit of what sets your soul on fire

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Overthinking Anxiety Disorder

In our lives, we seldom meet people who have lost all hopes and have convinced themselves to be defeated ones. They have accepted their assumptions of being unable to achieve success and found themselves unworthy of doing any productivity in the world. Why talk about others, it is even valid for us as well when in our lowest phases of life we tend to experience such thoughts gripping our minds.
In the worst cases, we even feel "unwanted" by others too.

In such cases, one must remember one thing that there is nothing in this world which is 'unworthy' or 'unwanted'.

There is no single herb which is not used for making medicines; even a poison can be an antidote to another poison; similarly, every living or non-living creation of God is essential to run and maintain the nature's cycle.

Everyone has his own uniqueness and his own talents but what conceals one's optimism and hopefulness is what we termed as OVERTHINKING ANXIETY DISORDER.

It not only fills our mind with negativity but also paralyses our creativity & will to be able to escape our not so good times.

Overthinking is not the nature of a person, but a constant action of one's mind which eventually becomes the habit and ultimately the part of one's personality.
We all know overthinking not only disturbs our mental well being but also physical health. It hampers the body's physiological mechanism and results in a compromised immune system if it has become one's personality. As a matter of fact, overthinking is 99.9% of the negative aspects of the things, hence, it makes havoc in one's mental, physical, and social well being.

It somewhat becomes a vicious cycle and a person keeps on getting entrapped into it.
So, according to me, below are certain points that can help in lessening the impact of OVERTHINKING ANXIETY DISORDER.

  • KNOW ITS ROOT CAUSE: Reach out to the cause of the thing bothering you to overthink and calmly analyse whether is it really worth to over ponder about it or not.

  • COMMUNICATION IS THE KEY: Either self analyse the matter or share it with close ones in order to reduce the anxiety. Have positive people around who listen to you empathetically.

  • LEARN TO 'UNCAGE' THINGS: If things are not under your control, then leave it. Yes, just leave it and move on as things would eventually fall in the place where they meant to be.

  • DON'T LET YOUR PERSONALITY STINK: As when flowing water happens to get stagnant due to an obstruction, it stinks. Similarly, overthinking obstructs your positivity and you start breeding pessimism and cynicism which eventually get reflected in your personality.

  • THE 3 C'S OF HAPPY RELATIONSHIP: In relationships particularly, start CONFRONTING, CONFESSING, AND COMPROMISING (on small things), so as to blossom it rather than keeping it to yourself and overthinking to wither it away.

  • BE A LITTLE LESS CONTROLLING: Over controlling often leads to overthinking as when things don't go according to us we tend to overthink and suffer from overthinking anxiety disorder. Start enjoying the natural course of things.

  • USE OTHER COLORS OF THE RAINBOW: Deviate to other things that please and motivate you. Just try to branch off to different traits of your personality so as to give your overthinking a bit rest. 

As I draw to a close, would just want to say that no such article, no video, and no lecture for that matter can make you stop overthinking but YOU AND YOURSELF. We all have that potential and courage to face the respective atrocities of our lives and we have done it gracefully so far and would do it as well if needed in the future but as of now let us cherish our present and stop being a sufferer of this OVERTHINKING ANXIETY DISORDER.



  1. I am 60 and what I find in people's of my age that they don't adapt themselves to the things changing around them which make them anxious and is a cause of overthinking. Those who keep themselves update at least their smart phone, they will hardly get time to overthink.

  2. One more experience of life I will like to share Shurti... Few year back, I had been lot of stress and overthinking a lot. I was about to come under the condition of depression. Become a patient of high BP. I start drinking a lot to overcome the situation since I could not sleep. But i was desperate to overcome this situation. Then I started intense walking... At least 15KM a day. Due to this my body started exhaust in the evening and start getting a good sleep. And ultimately I started overcome stress. I think a good sleep is helpfull to overcome anxiety and stress. Am I right Shruti???

  3. Exactly 👍. It's so true. Exercise n yoga especially are the best modes to vent out.
